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Action Plan

With the help of a consultant, Dover Kohl & Partners, the Town has created an Action Plan for the Boulevard Central District that describes and depicts the vision for future land use and development, transportation options, and next steps that the Town could take to implement the vision.

In January of 2020, Dover Kohl had numerous stakeholder meetings with the various land owners in this area to get their input and to understand their needs and issues regarding their specific parcels and the overall vision of the area. Since then, Dover Kohl worked with the Town to create an Action Plan for this commercial center of Town.

The Action Plan incorporates this stakeholder input along with previously produced Town materials such as future land use concepts, mixed-use zoning district plans, and infrastructure recommendations from the recently completed GEIS. The Draft Action Plan includes:

  • An Urban Design Vision: A narrative that describes the vision, illustrated through images and 3D renderings.
  • Transportation Options: Descriptions and various roadway sections for new and existing streets, paths, trails and transit alternatives.
  • Implementation Steps: A summary of potential public and private actions to realize the vision. This includes precedent-based solutions for creating a grid of public streets on private property. The implementation steps are based on recommendations for infrastructure improvements and mitigation projects previously identified in the GEIS or other previous Town plans and studies (with recommended refinements), conversations with the Town and area stakeholders, and a review of best practices in peer communities.

Final Action Plan

About Amherst

The Town of Amherst was established in 1818 and celebrated its 200th Anniversary in 2018. The town has a geographical area of 53.6 square miles and a population of greater than 122,000.

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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Town of Amherst ADA Coordinators are Robert McCarthy (Director of Human Resources) and Mark Berke (Commissioner of Buildings).

Click for more information about ADA.

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  • General Information:
    (716) 631-7000
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  • Address:
    Municipal Building (Town Hall)
  • 5583 Main Street
  • Williamsville, NY 14221