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Historic Preservation Commission

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HPC Public Hearing – 46-58 Getzville Road

The Amherst Historic Preservation Commission will hold a public hearing regarding the property’s designation as a historic landmark on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Board Council Chambers, 2nd floor of the Amherst Municipal Building, 5583 Main Street, Williamsville. Please click the link below to view meeting document

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Posted on Mar 03, 2025 by the Historic Preservation Commission.

Meeting Dates

Thu., January  30, 2025,  07:00 PM

Thu., January  30, 2025,  06:30 PM

Tue., February  11, 2025,  07:00 PM

Tue., March  11, 2025,  06:30 PM

Tue., March  11, 2025,  07:00 PM

Tue., April  8, 2025,  06:30 PM

Tue., April  8, 2025,  07:00 PM

Tue., May  6, 2025,  07:00 PM

Tue., June  10, 2025,  07:00 PM

Tue., August  12, 2025,  07:00 PM

Tue., September  9, 2025,  07:00 PM

Tue., October  7, 2025,  07:00 PM

Tue., November  4, 2025,  07:00 PM

Tue., December  9, 2025,  07:00 PM

Meeting Location

Amherst Municipal Building
5583 Main St, Williamsville, NY 14221

To verify, please call (716) 631-7013.


National Park Service, Secretary of Interior Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties

Mission Statement

The powers of the Commission shall include:

(1) To recommend designation of historic landmarks, sites and districts to the Town Board for its consideration.

(2) To advise and recommend to the Town Board on matters of employment of staff and professional consultants as necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission.

(3) To promulgate rules and regulations as necessary for the conduct of its business. 

(4) To adopt criteria for the identification of significant historic architectural and cultural landmarks and or for the delineation of historic districts.

(5) To conduct surveys of significant historic, architectural and cultural landmarks within the town. 

(6) To make recommendations to the Town Board on the acceptance or donation of facade easements and development rights, the acquisition of facade easements and development rights or other interests in real property as necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter. 

(7) To increase public awareness of the value of historic, cultural and architectural preservation by developing and participating in education programs. 

(8) To make recommendations to the Town Board concerning the utilization of state, federal or private funds to promote the preservation of landmarks and historic districts within the town. 

(9) To recommend acquisition of a landmark or structure by the town where its preservation is essential to the purposes of this chapter and where private preservation is not feasible. 

(10) To approve or disapprove applications for certificates of appropriateness, subject to review by the Building Commissioner pursuant to this chapter.

Buffalo Niagara Heritage Village Annual Preservation Day

Historic Preservation Commission at Preservation Day. Pictured from left to right are Catherine Waterman-Kulpa,  Co- Chair, HPC, Deborah Bruch Bucki, Town Board Liaison to HPC, Susan Palmer, Chair, HPC, Mary Lou Mancuso, Member HPC, and Joseph Buscaglia, Member, HPC

Historic Preservation Commission at Preservation Day held on Saturday August 7, 2021. Pictured from left to right are Catherine Waterman-Kulpa, Co-Chair, HPC, Deborah Bruch Bucki, Town Board Liaison to HPC, Susan Palmer, Chair, HPC, Mary Lou Mancuso, Member HPC, and Joseph Buscaglia, Member, HPC

Historic Preservation Commission at Preservation Day held in August 2023. Pictured from left to right are Norman Hirschey, P.E., HPC Member, Mary Lou Mancuso, HPC Member, Catherine Waterman-Kulpa, Co-Chair, HPC, Deborah Bruch Bucki, Former Town Board Liaison to HPC, Susan Palmer, Former Chair, HPC, Brian Swartz, HPC Member, and Carrie Stiver, Buffalo Niagara Heritage Village Executive Director, HPC Resource Member

Historic Preservation Commission at Preservation Day held in August 2023. Pictured from left to right are Norman Hirschey, P.E., HPC Member, Mary Lou Mancuso, HPC Member, Catherine Waterman-Kulpa, Co-Chair, HPC, Deborah Bruch Bucki, Former Town Board Liaison to HPC, Susan Palmer, Former Chair, HPC, Brian Swartz, HPC Member, and Carrie Stiver, Buffalo Niagara Heritage Village Executive Director, HPC Resource Member

38 Richfield Road Local Landmark Plaque Presentation 2024

From left to right: HPC Member, Hallie Wright; HPC Chair, Brian Swartz; Assistant Planner, James Quinn; HPC Member, Norman Hirschey; HPC member, Mary Lou Mancuso; Councilwoman Angela Marinucci

From left to right: HPC Member, Hallie Wright; HPC Chair, Brian Swartz; Assistant Planner, James Quinn; HPC Member, Norman Hirschey; HPC member, Mary Lou Mancuso; Councilwoman Angela Marinucci

Local Landmark Homeowners Barbara Sandall and Scott Schaefer

Local Landmark Homeowners Barbara Sandall and Scott Schaefer

Local Landmark Plaque at 38 Richfield Road

Local Landmark Plaque at 38 Richfield Road

Local Landmark Plaque at 38 Richfield Road

Local Landmark Plaque at 38 Richfield Road

Local Landmark Plaque at 38 Richfield Road

Local Landmark Plaque at 38 Richfield Road

Supplemental Information

Disclosure Information


Angela Marinucci, Councilmember


Brian Swartz (C)  term expires  12/31/2028

Catherine A. Waterman-Kulpa (V)  term expires  12/31/2026

Jeffery Amplement (M)  term expires  12/31/2027

Norman J. Hirschey (M)  term expires  12/31/2025

Jennifer Kensy (M)  term expires  12/31/2025

Mary Lou Mancuso (M)  term expires  12/31/2026

Hallie Wright (M)  term expires  12/31/2027

Gail  Adema (O)

Joseph Buscaglia (O)

Dan Howard (O)

Robert Marcus (O)

Susan  Palmer (O)

James Quinn (O)

Carrie Stiver (O)


(C) Chairperson
(CC) Co-Chairperson
(M) Member
(O) Resource Person
(S) Secretary
(V) Vice Chairperson

About Amherst

The Town of Amherst was established in 1818 and celebrated its 200th Anniversary in 2018. The town has a geographical area of 53.6 square miles and a population of greater than 122,000.

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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Town of Amherst ADA Coordinators are Robert McCarthy (Director of Human Resources) and Mark Berke (Commissioner of Buildings).

Click for more information about ADA.

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  • General Information:
    (716) 631-7000
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Municipal Building (Town Hall)
  • 5583 Main Street
  • Williamsville, NY 14221

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