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The Town of Amherst Website was developed and is maintained by the Department of Information Technology. This site intended to serve as convenient way to access useful information and services provided by the Town of Amherst. Efforts are continually made to ensure that the information presented is complete and accurate. Information provided on this site is not intended to be construed as a legal document. The Town of Amherst provides no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of this data for any particular use or purpose. The Town of Amherst assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of such data.
Our new site, launched in 2018, has been reengineered to be more responsive to mobile devices and phones. Please note that different browsers may present the information in varying ways. We continually strive to make the site both responsive to our stakeholder needs.
Updates, additions or corrections may have been made to a web page since the time you previously viewed it. You may wish to confirm information, such as dates and meeting locations, prior to the event. Additionally, if you are concerned about the accuracy of any information or document, you should contact the Department responsible for the information or the Web Developer or Web Page Master.
The Town of Amherst attempts to minimize cache issues, unauthorized modifications, and input and hyperlink errors. However, several factors can affect the quality of the information displayed on this site that are beyond the control of the Town of Amherst. These factors include:
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To minimize cache issues on your end, the Town of Amherst recommends that you verify that you have the most current version of a page by clearing your cache or temporary files or refresh the web page you are viewing. For additional information about clearing your cache check your browser's help files.
In order to expedite corrections to a page or provide answers related to specific web content, please include the full URL or website address in your communication. You may ask questions or provide suggestions about any Town of Amherst web page by submitting feedback to the Web Developer or Web Page Master.
Copyright Notice
© 2018 Town of Amherst, New York. All content found on this website is under copyright by the Town of Amherst, NY. All Rights Reserved.
Link Disclaimer
The links provided by this website are intended to provide access to a wide range of information. The Town of Amherst is not liable for the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of other users, links, or third parties and the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user. The provision of links from the Town of Amherst on the Internet to other sites does not constitute an endorsement of those links by the Town of Amherst.