- Assessor's Office
- Attorney's Office
- Building Department
- Central Fire Alarm
- Comptroller's Office
- Contract Compliance & Administration
- Councilmembers
- Department of Information Technology
- Economic Development
- Emergency Services & Safety
- Engineering Department
- Finance Department
- Highway Department
- Human Resources
- Office of the Supervisor
- Planning Department
- Police Department
- Senior Services
- Town Clerk
- Town Court
- Youth and Recreation Department
Court Questions/Inquiries
Before contacting the Court, please check our "Questions & Forms" section on the right hand side of this page. If you cannot find an answer there, please EMAIL your question or concern to: amhersttowncourt@nycourts.gov. Due to staffing shortage, you are strongly urged to EMAIL the court for the fastest response. Our clerks are often in the courtroom to assist the Town Justice while court is in session and therefore will be unable to answer your call.
General Information: (716) 689-4200 or (716) 689-4201
Fax: (716) 689-4249
Cases are assigned to the judges by the date of offense.
Town Justice
Jeff Marion
All cases originating from the 1st-15th of month will be assigned to Judge Buscaglia.

Town Justice
Ann Nichols
Any case originating on the 16th-End of the month will be assigned to Judge Nichols.
Court Administrator
- Kim Kern
- Bail Returns: (716) 689-4231
- Parking Tickets: (716) 689-4201
- Small Claims & Evictions: (716) 689-4218
- Certificates of Disposition: (716) 689-4216
- Therapeutic Courts: (716) 689-4255
- Jury Line: (716) 689-4229