- Arts and Culture in Public Places Board
- Assessor's Office
- Building Department
- Soils and Residential Foundation Study
- Zombie and Vacant Property Remediation and Prevention Initiative
- Engineering Department
- Dellwood-Sattler Green Infrastructure and Park Improvements
- Joint Consolidation Agreements for Sewer Districts and Stormwater Districts
- Royal Park Improvement Project
- Sidewalk Information
- Highway Department
- Other Agencies - NFTA
- Planning Department
- Agriculture and Open Space Inventory and Prioritization Study
- Amherst Central Park
- Amherst Comprehensive Plan / Plan Amendments
- Audubon Development Plan Update
- Boulevard Central District (Opportunity Zone)
- Boulevard Central District Zoning Updates in Sector 1
- Boulevard Central District Zoning Updates in Sector 2
- Canandaigua-Niagara Falls ('Peanut Line')
- Context-Sensitive Highway Design Project
- Eggertsville Action Plan
- Farmland Protection and Agricultural Development Plan
- Imagine Amherst
- Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP)
- Main Street Corridor Study
- Proposed Westwood Neighborhood Project
- Snyder Action Plan
- Snyder – Harlem & Main Street Rezonings
- South Campus Area Streetscapes Plan
- South Campus Intermunicipal Planning Framework
- Transit Road Corridor Management Study
- Willow Ridge/Parkview Action Plan
- Zoning Amendments – Mixed-Use Districts
- Street Lighting
- Town of Amherst Emergency Operations Center, Planning Division
The Amherst Bicentennial Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Town Board on January 2, 2007 and most recently amended on September 3, 2019. The Plan is intended to guide future growth and redevelopment in the Town. The Plan and the data and information that were used to support its preparation are provided below. Current activities and initiatives related to the Plan are also discussed below.
For questions or more information on the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, please contact the Planning Department at 716.631.7051 or at compplan@amherst.ny.us.
Amherst Bicentennial Comprehensive Plan (2020)
(Amended December 14, 2020)
The Amherst Town Board held several public hearings throughout 2020 regrading various amendments to the Town of Amherst Bicentennial Comprehensive Plan. Some amendments were initiated by petitioners/developers and one (the addition of the Boulevard Central District) was initiated by the Town. These amendments were approved by the Town Board and mainly include changes to Chapters 3 and 10; these are reflected in a newly amended Comprehensive Plan which can be accessed using the links below.
- Cover and Title
- Table of Contents
- Plan Summary
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Plan Concept
- Chapter 3: Land Use and Development
- Chapter 4: Natural and Cultural Resources
- Chapter 5: Economic Development
- Chapter 6: Transportation
- Chapter 7: Infrastructure
- Chapter 8: Housing and Neighborhoods
- Chapter 9: Community Facilities and Services
- Chapter 10: Focal Planning Areas
- Chapter 11: Implementation
- Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
- Appendix B: Comprehensive Plan Monitoring Program and Schedule
- Appendix C: Comprehensive Plan Summary of Goals and Policies
Note: Due to viewer and printer variances, Comprehensive Plan maps may appear different than the originals. Please consult an original, printed copy of the Plan (available in the Planning Department) or contact the Planning Department, if there is any question in interpreting the maps.
2014 Amherst Bicentennial Comprehensive Plan Review Report
At its meeting of September 17, 2015 the Amherst Planning Board concluded its review of the 2014 Bicentennial Comprehensive Plan Review Report and approved a resolution with several recommendations for study and development of amendments to the Plan. The 2014 Review Report is available using the link below, with the approved resolution located at the end of the report. The Planning Board and Planning Department are working to address the recommendations in the report and resolution.
Amherst Bicentennial Comprehensive Plan Inventory and Analysis Report (2001)
The Comprehensive Plan was prepared through a process comprised of extensive public participation and consideration of qualitative and quantitative data. The data and supporting analyses form the statistical background for development of Plan. This information was compiled in 2001 and is reported in the Inventory and Analysis Report.