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Transit Road Corridor Management Study

Town of Amherst Access Management Planning
Transit Road Corridor Study
Access Management Strategies for Other Roads

For more information, please contact the Amherst Planning Department, 5583 Main Street, Williamsville, NY 14221, (716) 631-7051 and email at: Both of these reports are also available at the Amherst Planning Department and at all branches of the Amherst Public Libraries.

Access Management

Access management is a comprehensive approach to improving corridor safety and access. Recommendations for access management usually include the location of private and public access drives as well as the development and site design of nearby lands. Access management plans also include coordinated land development and subdivision regulations, as well as transportation and land use strategies that work together to address the issues identified for the corridor by the community.

The Towns of Amherst and Clarence, along with the NYSDOT recognized that planned, orderly land development in conjunction with coordinated road improvements could help minimize traffic congestion, improve safety and maximize the use of limited highway infrastructure resources. The Towns, and other local and regional transportation agencies joined together to develop access management plans and strategies for their common boundary, Transit Road, and other roads with varying functions and character within the two communities. This cooperative effort provided strategies and plans for comprehensively designed corridors that preserve and enhance safe and efficient travel for motorists and pedestrians and encourages continued economic development.

Transit Road Corridor Study

Transit Rd (NYS Route 78) is an arterial highway that forms the boundary between the Towns of Amherst and Clarence, New York. Development and increasing traffic congestion on Transit Road prompted the towns to partner with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) to address concerns regarding this important regional corridor. NYSDOT has completed several highway improvements intended to address congestion and improve mobility and safety; however, changing traffic patterns and corridor development remain a concern for the towns and NYSDOT and required additional examination.

The planning process included five key phases:

  1. Existing conditions analysis
  2. Corridor vision creation
  3. Alternative design concept development
  4. Final recommendations
  5. Access Management Code Language

The planning process was designed to encourage a wide variety of input and feedback. A Technical Advisory Committee, consisting of representatives from NYSDOT, Erie County Department of Environment and Planning, local planning and transportation organizations, and the Towns of Amherst and Clarence, was assembled to guide the planning process. In addition, a number of stakeholder and public meetings were held to broaden public outreach and ensure a comprehensive approach.

The data collection and analysis performed in the early stages of the study confirmed the traffic and development conditions that the towns and NYSDOT have observed in recent years. Noticeable differences in the levels of service volume to ratio capacity levels and accidents were found in segments of the corridor with more travel lanes and more densely developed adjacent land uses. Average travel time and speeds decreased significantly in these areas as well. The analysis also indicated that the number and spacing of driveways were significant contributors to the observed conditions. Clearly, conditions along Transit Road could be improved through the application of access management.

Final Report

The Final Report contains recommendations for appropriate design modifications to existing highways and land use plans along the corridor. These recommendations include: land use density and type adjustments; frontage requirements; setback requirements; shared and joint access requirements; driveway spacing standards; corner clearance standards; improved site circulation; and subdivision regulations that support the development of local roads.The report also contains recommendations for highway improvements such as medians, auxiliary turn lanes, median openings, future intersections, frontage/access roads, pedestrian accommodations, and local road improvements. Sketch plans that illustrate recommendations for improved access to existing businesses have also been produced for the developed portions of the corridor.

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4

Access Management Strategies for Major Corridors

As a component of the Transit Road Corridor Management Study, a second report, Access Management Strategies for Major Corridors was developed to identify access management techniques and tools to assist the Town in future land use and transportation decisions on various types of highways. Recommendations are provided for five specific corridors:

  1. Bailey Avenue/North Bailey Avenue/Ridge Lea Road
  2. Grover Cleveland/Millersport Highway
  3. East Robinson Road/North French Road
  4. Maple Road
  5. Renaissance Drive

These corridors are intended to be representative of the varying types of corridors within the Town and are illustrative of the types of access management techniques that may be applied to enhance traffic operations. The general guidelines identified in this study will provide the Town with a menu of techniques and strategies that can be used to encourage efficient access along area roadways in a way that will complement and enhance neighboring land uses.

Final Report (contains the following sections)

About Amherst

The Town of Amherst was established in 1818 and celebrated its 200th Anniversary in 2018. The town has a geographical area of 53.6 square miles and a population of greater than 122,000.

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The Town of Amherst ADA Coordinators are Robert McCarthy (Director of Human Resources) and Mark Berke (Commissioner of Buildings).

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  • General Information:
    (716) 631-7000
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Municipal Building (Town Hall)
  • 5583 Main Street
  • Williamsville, NY 14221

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