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GEIS Documents

Phase 1 – Scoping Services

Task 1 - Lead Agency Coordination & Positive Declaration
CHA prepared a Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF) and conducted Lead  Agency
Coordination on behalf of the Town Board. The Town was designated Lead Agency and is responsible for completing the SEQR process.

CHA also prepared Parts 2 and 3 of the FEAF and assisted the Town in issuing a Positive Declaration, issued by the Town Board on May 20, 2019. The Positive Declaration will indicate that one or more impacts on the environment from future development in the project Study Area may result in a significant environmental impact and warrants the preparation of a Draft GEIS.

Task 2 – Public Scoping
CHA prepared a Draft Scoping Document that identified the potentially significant environmental impacts related to future development within the Study Area. The Draft Scoping Document included the content and level of detail of the analysis, the range of alternatives, and the potential mitigation measures required.

The Town conducted a Public Scoping Meeting on June 4, 2019 to allow the public to comment on the Draft Scoping Document. CHA reviewed the public comments with the Town and prepared a Final Scoping Document. The Final Scoping Document will serve as the basis for the GEIS. The Final Scoping Document was approved by the Town Board on June 17, 2019.

Phase 2 - Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement

Task 2 - Preparation of Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement
The Final Scoping Document approved by the Town Board and linked above served as CHA’s scope of work for preparation of the Draft GEIS.  Over the past few months, CHA has prepared a Draft GEIS based on a Projected Growth Redevelopment Scenario over a 20-year planning period. This Scenario serves as  the  basis  for  cumulative  impact  analysis  leading  to  proposed  mitigation  and  in  some  cases, associated costs that may be considered for the creation of a mitigation cost schedule. The assumptions and potential impacts for land use, zoning, water, sewer and transportation are discussed.

Task 3 – Public Comment Period & Hearing
The Town accepted the Draft GEIS document as complete (as compared to the Final Scope elements/requirements) and adequate for public review on September 3, 2019, issued a Notice of Completion, and set a Town Board public hearing for October 7, 2019 at 7:00pm. The public comment period closed October 17, 2019. Any comments can be sent to the Planning Department.

Phase 3 – Final Environmental Impact Statement

Task 1 - Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement
The Final GEIS will provide a response to substantive comments raised during the public comment period. The responses will elaborate on or clarify information already presented.

Task 2 – Statement of Findings
The Statement of Findings will summarize the Draft and Final GEIS and serve as a basis for the Lead Agency to review future actions in the Study Area. The Mitigation Cost distribution program will be finalized as part of this document.

About Amherst

The Town of Amherst was established in 1818 and celebrated its 200th Anniversary in 2018. The town has a geographical area of 53.6 square miles and a population of greater than 122,000.

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The Town of Amherst ADA Coordinators are Robert McCarthy (Director of Human Resources) and Mark Berke (Commissioner of Buildings).

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  • 5583 Main Street
  • Williamsville, NY 14221

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