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What is the CIP?
The Capital Improvement Program is Amherst’s six-year schedule of major capital expenditures. Its purpose is to identify various funding sources so that needed and desired projects can be efficiently completed.
Generally, capital projects are large physical improvements, greater than $100,000 in value and involve either the construction of new facilities or major repairs to existing facilities. Typical examples include roads, sanitary sewers, recreation facilities, water lines, storm sewers, buildings, or land acquisition. The Capital Improvement Program is one of the primary management tools the Town uses to achieve orderly growth that is consistent with the Bicentennial Comprehensive Plan and other development goals and objectives.
Approved 2025-2030 CIP
The 2025-2030 CIP was approved as part of the overall Town Budget by the Town Board at a special meeting on Wednesday, November 20, 2024. Click the link below to view the final CIP document.
Please contact the Planning Department at 631-7051 with questions regarding the CIP or the CIP development process.
CIP Review Process
The annual CIP review and approval process provides the Town with an opportunity to evaluate its large capital investments and ensure their consistency with long range development plans.
The preparation of the Capital Program is overseen by the CIP Review Committee, which is chaired by the Town Supervisor and includes the Chair of the Planning Board, Comptroller, Director of Finance, Director of Economic Development, Planning Director,, Town Attorney and Town Engineer.
The process includes several review and evaluation meetings where each departmental request is thoroughly analyzed by the CIP Review Committee. The evaluation is based on objective criteria, with the estimated cost of each project compared to its potential benefit to the Town's services, infrastructure, and environment. Priority is given to the most pressing remedial projects and those with the greatest town-wide impact. Priority projects are assigned to a funding year based upon the availability of funding capacity. A public hearing is also held to receive comment on the project submittals.
The CIP Review Committee prepares a recommended Capital Improvement Program for Town Board consideration, which is submitted as part of the Supervisor’s budget.
For projects funded with long-term bonding, the CIP is not the final approval nor does it authorize spending or implement projects. It is a plan that identifies important projects and the funding that should be available over the next six years. As priorities and financial conditions change, the CIP may also change to meet evolving goals and objectives. The Town Board has complete authority to change, add, or delete projects at any time.