- Arts and Culture in Public Places Board
- Assessor's Office
- Building Department
- Soils and Residential Foundation Study
- Zombie and Vacant Property Remediation and Prevention Initiative
- Engineering Department
- Dellwood-Sattler Green Infrastructure and Park Improvements
- Joint Consolidation Agreements for Sewer Districts and Stormwater Districts
- Royal Park Improvement Project
- Sidewalk Information
- Highway Department
- Other Agencies - NFTA
- Planning Department
- Amherst Central Park
- Amherst Comprehensive Plan / Plan Amendments
- Audubon Development Plan Update
- Boulevard Central District (Opportunity Zone)
- Boulevard Central District Zoning Updates in Sector 1
- Boulevard Central District Zoning Updates in Sector 2
- Canandaigua-Niagara Falls ('Peanut Line')
- Context-Sensitive Highway Design Project
- Eggertsville Action Plan
- Farmland Protection and Agricultural Development Plan
- Imagine Amherst
- Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP)
- Main Street Corridor Study
- Proposed Westwood Neighborhood Project
- Snyder Action Plan
- Snyder – Harlem & Main Street Rezonings
- South Campus Area Streetscapes Plan
- South Campus Intermunicipal Planning Framework
- Transit Road Corridor Management Study
- Willow Ridge/Parkview Action Plan
- Zoning Amendments – Mixed-Use Districts
- Street Lighting
- Town of Amherst Emergency Operations Center, Planning Division
Community Tree Management Plan
Finalization of the Town Tree Inventory and Community Forestry Management Plan
Starting more than three decades ago, the Town of Amherst established Town-wide tree planting practices and standards. Care of tree resources is not new to Amherst, as the Town has been a Tree City USA Community for over 26 years. The Town has taken the necessary measures to continue these community forestry efforts with amendments to local laws, zoning, funding capital improvement projects, increasing volunteerism in parks, creating and maintaining a tree database and creating a Tree Board with a long-range forestry plan. Now, the Town has taken a step to further comprehensively address the health of trees within it’s borders.
The Town of Amherst applied and received a forestry grant in 2019 from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) to commence the first phase of a street tree inventory. In 2020 the Town applied for more grant funding to complete the second and final phase of the tree inventory. All Town street trees on local roads and in Town parks have been inventoried and assessed. The Town Tree Board reviewed and adopted portions of this overall tree plan at a meeting April 2022.
As a result of these efforts, the Town’s consultant completed a comprehensive Community Tree Management Plan (CTMP). The new CTMP will guide the Town Board with an updated strategy for tree and forestry related work. The Town can apply for different grant funding sources to support tree maintenance and planting. This funding will only add to Amherst’s efforts to ensure a healthy urban tree canopy for future years and generations. Please follow us on the Town’s website for more information on this presentation to the Town Board.
At the April 12th 2022 Tree Board meeting the members of the board adopted the Community Tree Management Plan (“CTMP”). The adoption of this plan is part of the Town’s Chapter 179 Trees to develop and review a comprehensive plan for forestry and tree practices in the Town of Amherst. The “CTMP” will be updated as needed by the Tree Board. Upon completion of the Town tree inventory a Work Plan will be generated. The Work Plan is part of the overall vision for tree and forestry goals and operations within the Town of Amherst. The Tree Board will periodically review the Work Plan to make the necessary revisions and updates.
Community Tree Management Plan
Tree Inventory Presentation to the Town Board - April 17, 2023
Tree Inventory
The Town has contracted with Davey Resource Group to complete the Town street tree inventory. Please be aware that individuals with yellow vests and hand held units will be inventorying and inspecting trees in the public right-of-way. The collection will be taking place on all local roads north of Sheridan Drive and east of Interstate 290 (see the map below). Please direct any questions in regards to the data collection to trees@amherst.ny.us.
In 2020 and 2021 the Town of Amherst applied and received two rounds of grant funding from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (“DEC”). In Round 14 the Town received $61,000 and in Round 15 the Town received $75,000. The Town does not have a complete inventory placing the Town of Amherst in a position of reduced capacity to fully develop, capitalize upon, and utilize its street tree and park tree population as an influential tool in the creation and provision of aesthetic and environmental benefits. A comprehensive tree inventory is a powerful and indispensable urban forest management tool that guides the development of a sustainable, diverse, and healthy street tree population. The data collected will be used to analyze the species, size, and health compositions of the Town’s existing street tree population.
The benefits of a public tree inventory are significant. This information will be used to direct street tree planting and street tree maintenance operations; guide response efforts to destructive diseases and insect pests; assist in emergency management and response; and provide information on the composition, distribution, benefits, and value of the inventoried population.
Tree Inventory Presentation to the Town Board - November 30, 2020
This grant opportunity will allow the Town of Amherst to start the process:
The Town will complete a comprehensive street tree inventory that includes trees and planting spaces on town right of ways and property. The Highway Department is currently updating the database as they progress with day to day tree/forestry work. The database has existing tree locations and potential tree locations geographically located. County and State roads will not be part of this project.
The Community Tree Management Plan, will be based on tree inventory data to address environmental issues. This plan will provide a record and understanding of what currently exists while managing the future goals of the community. The Town in the process of drafting a Community Forestry Management Plan to present to the future Tree Board. The draft plan elaborates on the forestry principles addresses in the Town’s Comprehensive Plan in sections 4-10 and 4-11. The forestry plan will address the following topics:
- Improve and enhance the Town of Amherst’s existing tree canopy with the vision to “Greening Amherst”
- The development of budgets and work plans, including timelines and tasks, to meet that vision and industry standards.
- The use of the tree inventory database which identifies management needs i.e.) pruning rotations, removal implementation, and prioritization of work load.
- Storm preparedness and response planning.
- Invasive species preparedness and response.
- Planting plan to address the unique characteristics of the project location, such as: species diversity, understory plantings, erosion control, and brownfields that could be impacted with planting and would address local needs.
- Urban forest environmental benefit analysis of environmental issues such as: water quality, air quality, reduce urban heat island effect, energy efficiencies, storm water management, and health.
- Promote urban forestry awareness with media and other public outreach efforts
- All Events have been postponed until further notice.
- The Town Board appointed Town Tree Board members in March 2021.
Information will be placed on this web page throughout the process. Any questions please contact trees@amherst.ny.us