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Assessor's Office /  Property Sales

Property Sales Report

Town of Amherst Property Sales Report includes sales occuring January 1, 2012 and later (sorted by street name and sales date).

New York State Real Property Tax Laws

Please remember that the Assessor’s duties fall within the framework of New York State Real Property Tax Laws.

Annual Appraisals

Each year the Town of Amherst Office of Assessment appraises all real estate property to determine its value for tax purposes. The purpose of real estate assessments is to fairly distribute the tax burden among all property owners based on market value of their property. All assessments of real property, which includes land and permanent affixed structures, are based on 100% of fair market value and are equitable with the assessments of comparable properties.

This site provides assessed values, physical characteristics and sales information extracted from the official assessment records of the Town of Amherst. It is our hope that you will review this information, especially taking notice of the sales site. This site is updated on a weekly basis providing recently recorded sales. If you are contemplating appealing your assessment then please review the current sales of properties that are comparable to yours in living area, age, style and location. This information is provided in our Comprehensive Property Information system.

Many property owners, right or wrong, may feel the need to appeal their new property assessment to lower their tax burden. I must stress that simply “feeling” that your assessment may be too high is far different from documenting the facts which may be needed to present your case to professionals who are intimately familiar with market conditions and are not influenced by emotional outbursts. The property owners must present credible evidence. Credible evidence is evidence supported by fact, not assumptions or beliefs. The most credible evidence is recent comparable sales of other properties of a similar type located in the same area. An assessment appeal is not a complaint about high taxes. You must show that the market value of your property is less then the assessment of your property.

About Amherst

The Town of Amherst was established in 1818 and celebrated its 200th Anniversary in 2018. The town has a geographical area of 53.6 square miles and a population of greater than 122,000.

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How to use our site

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Town of Amherst ADA Coordinators are Robert McCarthy (Director of Human Resources) and Mark Berke (Commissioner of Buildings).

Click for more information about ADA.

Website Contact

The Town of Amherst takes great pride in providing useful, timely and accurate information through its official website. We encourage public participation in our website and ask that you provide your feedback to help us make our site even better. Contact the website administrator at

Get in Touch

  • General Information:
    (716) 631-7000
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Municipal Building (Town Hall)
  • 5583 Main Street
  • Williamsville, NY 14221

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