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Informal Assessment Reviews
We are now accepting Informal Review Applications. Property owners can mail in or drop off the applications now through March 28th. Please see below for instructions and forms. Note, the Informal Review does NOT require submission of the RP-524 form. Decisions will be sent by early May. If you still disagree, you can file a grievance with the Board of Assessment review, which will take place May 27th, 2025. Call the Assessor's office after May 1st for more information
Assessment Challenge and Review Instructions
The assessment roll is available on the Internet in order to:
- verify property information
- review inventory data on an individual property
- review current sales information
- analyze sales information about similar properties
When comparing property sales, it is important to remember that location, style, age and square footage are important. For example, if you purchased your home for $200,000 on a particular street or neighborhood, do not look for comparable homes that sell for $150,000 in other neighborhoods.
Also, do not compare a five-year old home with a fifty-year old home.
Nominal differences in square footage don 't always mean a difference in overall property assessment.Interior and exterior condition of your property can be important factors when determining market value.
Make additional copies of all information that you provide with the application. The information contained with the application becomes property of the Board of Assessment Review and will not be returned.
Applications & Worksheets:
- RP-524 (required for Formal Board of Assessment Review)
- Residential Review Application
- Condominium Review Application
- Commercial Review Application
- Commercial I&E Worksheet
- Vacant Land Review Application
Use our Comprehensive Property Information (CPI) portal to help find comparable sales
All of these should be used to assist you in showing the town why the value the Town has on the property does not represent its Market Value.
Always keep in mind, the Assessors does not set taxes or determine the Town/Schools/Village or County Tax Levy - our objective is to place the correct Market value/Assessed value so you only pay your fair share of the Tax Levy. Your discussion should be solely focused on your Market Value, not taxes paid.