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Social Work Services /  Social Work and Case Management Services

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Social Caseworkers are available in the Amherst Center for Senior Services to meet with Members on a one-on-one basis to provide assistance with personal and family concerns.

The Social Caseworker can also provide information on referrals to community based programs and services.

The Social Caseworker utilizes a team approach to assist members in addressing all of their psychosocial needs.

Services Provided

  • Supportive Membership-Works in collaboration with individual treatment goals to maximize Center engagement ability.
  • Short-term Non-clinical Counseling-Available to discuss concerns on a short term basis with assessment for clinical referrals if needed.
  • Support Groups-Facilitates groups to provide assistance with issues of concern (See Monthly Support Groups)
  • Friendly Visitor Program-Coordinates the linkage of homebound seniors to volunteers for companionship.
  • Employment Board & Referral Assistance-Maintains an employment information board with full and part time employment opportunities for seniors as well as employment referrals.
  • Health Insurance Information Counseling & Assistance Program (HIICAP)-Provides linkage to trained HIICAP Counselors.
  • Fee Waivers-Completes assessments for financial assistance for Center Class fees.
  • Benefits & Entitlements-Provides information, eligibility requirements, and application assistance for a number of benefits and entitlements.
  • Community Referrals-Provides referrals to community based services (Youth Works Program, snow plowing, lawn care, dog walking, and more).
  • Direct Work with Senior Outreach Services(SOS)-Works directly with Erie County Senior Services through SOS to ensure continuity of service provision.


  • WIDOW AND WIDOWERS SUPPORT GROUP-Meets the second Tuesday of each month at 11:00 am Support group for individuals who have experienced the loss of a spouse or significant other.
  • PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP-Meets the last Thursday of each month at 2:00 pm You may wonder what to expect after your or a loved one’s diagnosis, join us and feel more in control.


About Amherst

The Town of Amherst was established in 1818 and celebrated its 200th Anniversary in 2018. The town has a geographical area of 53.6 square miles and a population of greater than 122,000.

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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Town of Amherst ADA Coordinators are Robert McCarthy (Director of Human Resources) and Mark Berke (Commissioner of Buildings).

Click for more information about ADA.

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Get in Touch

  • General Information:
    (716) 631-7000
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Municipal Building (Town Hall)
  • 5583 Main Street
  • Williamsville, NY 14221