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Programs /  Pre-School Programs

Pre-K Program

A drop-off program for children ages 3 & 4 who are fully potty trained. This program will include a variety of daily activities such as athletics, arts and crafts, music and dance and story time. This program is designed to foster children’s physical development, self-esteem, and to encourage peer socialization in a recreational setting. For more information, please email or call (716) 631-7132, ext. 7516.

Toddler Open Gym

This is a pre-school gym program for children ages 1 to 4. Parents will be required to stay with their children. To register, please visit or call (716) 631-7132.


Clearfield Community Center

About Amherst

The Town of Amherst was established in 1818 and celebrated its 200th Anniversary in 2018. The town has a geographical area of 53.6 square miles and a population of greater than 122,000.

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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Town of Amherst ADA Coordinators are Robert McCarthy (Director of Human Resources) and Mark Berke (Commissioner of Buildings).

Click for more information about ADA.

Website Contact

The Town of Amherst takes great pride in providing useful, timely and accurate information through its official website. We encourage public participation in our website and ask that you provide your feedback to help us make our site even better. Contact the website administrator at

Get in Touch

  • General Information:
    (716) 631-7000
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Municipal Building (Town Hall)
  • 5583 Main Street
  • Williamsville, NY 14221