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Sewer Maintenance Division
The overall responsibility of the Sewer Maintenance Division is the management, operation and maintenance of the Town’s sanitary sewer collection system, which generally includes inspecting, cleaning, repairing and monitoring the gravity sewer lines and forcemains. Unlike the City of Buffalo’s combined sanitary/storm sewer system, the Town of Amherst has separate sanitary and storm sewer systems.
The Highway Department operates and maintains the storm sewer system, which consists mainly of road drainage receivers, pipes and ditches.
The Engineering Department’s Water Pollution Control Division is in charge of the Town’s Wastewater Treatment Facility #16 and also operates and maintains the pump stations in the sewer collection system.
In 2011, the Town of Amherst streamlined its sanitary sewer operations by merging Sewer District #1 and Sewer District #16 into the Consolidated Sanitary Sewer District (CSSD). Covering most of the town, CSSD excludes the Village of Williamsville and the State University of New York at Buffalo - Amherst Campus sewer systems, as they are not under the town's jurisdiction. Click here to view a map of the Town of Amherst Sewer Districts.
The CSSD also handles wastewater from the Village of Williamsville, the State University of New York at Buffalo - Amherst Campus, Erie County Sewer District #5, and the Town of Clarence. This wastewater is metered, transported, and treated by the town at its Water Pollution Control Facility.
All sanitary sewerage generated within the Town is conveyed to the northwest corner of the Town where wastewater is treated at the Water Pollution Control Facility at 455 Tonawanda Creek Road. The facility treats an average of 30.0 million gallons per day (30.0 mgd) of sewerage.
Sewer Maintenance operations encompass various tasks such as cleaning, inspecting via television cameras, repairing, replacing, and monitoring the sanitary sewer system. Presently, the town's sanitary sewer network spans 2,891,856 lineal feet (547.7 miles) of pipes, ranging from 8 inches to 84 inches in diameter, and includes 13,237 sanitary manholes.